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I have no bee expertise, but that blue one is amazing!! And even more amazing is your photography! Well done!

Carol aka Traveller

wonderful shots of the bee and the blue water lily


Love all your photos of the flowers, and the bees! A blue bee - he is beautiful! We have carpenter bees in Indiana, only they are not blue. They burrow holes in our cedar wood fence, so I'm not a fan of them. If they were blue, I might like them better. They are large, and a bit frightening. Lol on the massage hut being the bee's home!


Cathy, If I didn't know you better, I'd swear you were making these insects and animals up! I am recalling a very unusual bird you featured just a few weeks ago. Truly fascinating . . . and your picture of the bee almost hovering along the flower - amazing! Your Finds are so much fun.


Oh Cathy, no way too many photos. Love it and certainly have never seen one here in the PNW!!


Really beautiful, Cathy! We have carpenter bees in Italy too, they are black with a little hint of blue, but not as beautifully blue as this one. :)


ohhhh thank you for this! the blue bee is so amazing! I didn't even know they existed! love them :)


sooo cool. :)

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