I was memorized by the bees I saw at the resort where we stayed in Bandung (click here to visit our travel blog thextrasuitcase.com to see this beautiful town in Indonesia).
After hours of research I decided it is a Xylocopa caerulea or carpenter bee.
There is not much information on this particular species and because of their size are often mislabeled as bumble bees. The female is the colorful one, with her body covered with electric blue hairs.
This bee is found across Southeast Asia, as well as India and parts of China (Yunnan, Guangxi, Hainan). Come to find out, they are even in Singapore - but I have never seen one here.
The other potential names are - the peacock carpenter bee, found in Australia. But I think the body of that bee is shiny, where this one is furry. There is also the blue orchard bee - member of the leaf-cutter and mason bee family. It lives in the Pacific Northwest USA where it is a common visitor to fruit trees.
Any bee experts out there? Did I identify it correctly?
I really like the mid-flight photos.
Their home was equally as beautiful as the bees...
no, not the massage hut, the lilly pond!
okay, so I may have a few too many photos...
And a pretty yellow bee too!
I hope you enjoyed the blue bees as much as I did!
Sharing with my friend over at Kim's - Friday Finds.
I have no bee expertise, but that blue one is amazing!! And even more amazing is your photography! Well done!
Posted by: bobbie | 11/14/2014 at 01:20 PM
wonderful shots of the bee and the blue water lily
Posted by: Carol aka Traveller | 11/14/2014 at 01:26 PM
Love all your photos of the flowers, and the bees! A blue bee - he is beautiful! We have carpenter bees in Indiana, only they are not blue. They burrow holes in our cedar wood fence, so I'm not a fan of them. If they were blue, I might like them better. They are large, and a bit frightening. Lol on the massage hut being the bee's home!
Posted by: Beverly | 11/14/2014 at 03:46 PM
Cathy, If I didn't know you better, I'd swear you were making these insects and animals up! I am recalling a very unusual bird you featured just a few weeks ago. Truly fascinating . . . and your picture of the bee almost hovering along the flower - amazing! Your Finds are so much fun.
Posted by: Donna | 11/14/2014 at 04:33 PM
Oh Cathy, no way too many photos. Love it and certainly have never seen one here in the PNW!!
Posted by: Kathy | 11/14/2014 at 10:35 PM
Really beautiful, Cathy! We have carpenter bees in Italy too, they are black with a little hint of blue, but not as beautifully blue as this one. :)
Posted by: Kia | 11/17/2014 at 07:56 AM
ohhhh thank you for this! the blue bee is so amazing! I didn't even know they existed! love them :)
Posted by: Sandy | 11/17/2014 at 01:03 PM
sooo cool. :)
Posted by: rachel | 11/18/2014 at 03:21 AM