Seth Apter over at the Altered Page is hosting a Buried Treasure blog hop where you post one of your favorite posts (a hidden treasure) from your own blog. I really liked my post where I compared the colors of my photos I took while visiting Bali to the beads I purchased there. I also thought this was a good one for this week as I will be in Bali again starting tomorrow.
This post originally ran on 6/01/2012
Do all the beautiful, colorful countries I visit influence my art?
Does it effect what colors I am attracted to?
week, in Bali Indonesia, I bought several strands of glass beads. I
went into one shop with hundreds of beads and walked out with a bag
full. Three hours later I went into another store, which had as many
beads as the first store, and bought several more strands. I did not look at what I had already bought
when I was in the second store, I just selected what appealed to me.
Back at the hotel, when I opened my two bags of beads to play, I was surprised to see that they were very similar colors. In fact, one strand was exactly the same. And they were a slightly different color palette then I normally work with. I took several photos of the beads in different groupings. They are so gorgeous.
I got home and started sorting all of my Bali photos, I wondered if
the colors of Bali (or any country I am in) influence what I am
attracted to. I pulled out the photos of the beads and started to
match them up to photos I took as we toured Bali. I wanted to see if
my purchase of beads was influenced by what I was seeing.
What do you think?
This was a very fun exercise. I was amazed at the colors in the photos along side the colors of the beads.
I need to add a few silver beads to these red ones and a few crystals here and there. It would make a very pretty necklace and truely inspired by this image.
I can't wait to make some jewelry out of all these beautiful beads!
Update as of today (june 2013, exactly one year later) .....
beads are still hanging.....waiting to be used. The story of my life!
Be sure to visit all the lovely blogs posted over on Seth's Blog.
HeHe, as I was reading down through the post I was wondering what you ended up making with all the beautiful beads then I got to the update at the bottom and had to chuckle. Story of both our lives! Thanks for re-posting this. I enjoyed it just as much as the first time.
Posted by: Kathy | 06/29/2013 at 10:44 AM
You are spot on with your deduction of color influenced by country ~
And doesn't EVERYONE have 'stash' sitting around waiting for it's perfect time to shine?!?!
Posted by: bobbie | 06/29/2013 at 01:22 PM
I love all the photos and the comparison. What a beautiful blog you have.
Posted by: Carol | 06/29/2013 at 03:32 PM
What a gorgeous post. The images and the beads are beautiful. Showing them together is very, very inspiring!
Posted by: Seth | 07/01/2013 at 08:01 PM