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Jenni Connolly

A good haul all right! I love the pin with ribbon and the key hole, plus the diamanté pins!
How lucky you have been with this market.

karen burns

Treasures, all! You have a good eye for these wonderful things :-)

Linda Branch

I love everything you've found. Can't wait to see what you will do with it, especially the eyeglasses, Eye am STYmied with those. I had been thinking of ways to use the eyeglass lenses, but not the frames. Maybe I will have to rethink that decision!


You found some fantastic goodies! When you move you'll have to get everything unpacked really fast so you can play :)

Susie Land

What a lovely lot of loot! Love those pince nez and that keyhole plate.....can't wait to see what you come up with next!!!


Wow - love the key holes!


Great scores! It will be fun for you to just pack them away for now and then pull them out after a couple months and it will like discovering them all over again!

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Welcome to my blog! I love creating mixed media cards, art, and jewelry. This blog is a place for me to share my creations, my collections, and what inspires me (travel, art, photography). The hubby and I travel often and I love collecting and sharing unique finds from the countries we visit. We are currently living in Montreal, Quebec.

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